dinsdag 22 januari 2013


We are now in Santiago de Chile, final stage of the trip for Joachim, Siemen will go east towards Brazil henceforth.

This post starts with some pictures of the navimag ferry and the Island of Chiloe, with some architectural pictures, a rarity on this blog and on the trip.
The majority of the pictures shows sunsets, lakes and dusty roads, giving an idea what the last weeks where about. The Lakes and River district of both Chile and Argentina proved to be an incredible end of the trip.
With scorching heat (33 in the shadow, 42 degrees in the sun) the abundance of water was very welcome.

The girls continue now towars Santiago by bike, finishing the trail we started in Puerto Montt, we hope to see some pictures of the Chilean seaside by them anytime soon!

The following selection of pictures overlap partly in time with the last post, the majority of the pictures in this post are made by Joachim.


Artsy fartsy reflection B&W picture: window, sea & mountain

The ferry originally sailed between The Netherlands and Norway, we keep on stumbling on dutch stickers on chilean  vehicles, see one of the first posts

dirty glaciar


The Leonidas, Greek ship with sugar cargo, wrecked on shallow ground on purpose by the captain in order to obtain insurance money after having sold the sugar before, unfortunately for him the boat didn t sink..

A colour picture of the sea

Ridiculous dramatic sunset

Three dolphins

Ridiculous dramatic sunset bis (same evening)

Three becomes seven

Most colourful restaurant so far (first day on Chiloe)

The bathroom (left)

The Bathroom (behind the toilet)

The bathroom (centre)

Chiloe s oldest completely wooden church, in Achao, UNESCO World Heritage

The Interior
Castros Cathedral, some call it original, others call it kitsch
Interesting mix of traditional and modern architecture
Interior of the church, completely in wood

Wooden ships

Grafiti everywhere, its amazing

Palafitos in Castro

Colour, COLOUR, colour everywhere

Wooden roofcover

Grafiti, now in Ancud, Chiloes northern city

A very interesting museum in a former church on the conservation of the wooden churches
A cross section of one of the churches

More grafiti

Alerce national park

Puerto Montt, a brave new start, in the pouring rain

Rain which soon stopped to never return, here the first lake beach picture, one of many to come, we love lakes! (Puerto Varas)

El Museo, arte de SoƱar, Pto. Varas

Mt. Fiji, aka Volcan Osorno, back to where we started two months ago, but now without the rain

Uphills, steep uphills, of which many are to come

Rainbow waterfall

Cascadas Petrohue, with sight to the Osorno volcano

Girls, sunset and doing dishes in/at the lake

Our route for the day, many boats, but no buses for us


Argentina, we meet again, Parque Nahuel Huapi

Our lugage was thoroughly checked at migrations (Pto. Frias)

Lago Frias and the "Bichos", huge stinging flying beatles

Happy faces

Ferry over Lago Frias, the first of many argentinian lakes to come

Crazy alerce forest & waterfalls

Bariloche = Food

The Argentinian Pampa, an old friend, but only for short this time

curves, taking us away from San Carlos de Bariloche

"Ice on the Road" sign, somehow ironic in the scorching sun

Nocturnal fire along the lake, the first and only fire on this part of the trip, shortly afterwards extinguished by the concerned owner of the place

Basic hygiene, aka AXE advertisment, lake 3 in argentina

Postcard sunset (with moon just above the trees in the centre)

Another day, another lake, the hard labour of the cyclist is rewarded by cool water and amazing scenery

Dusty roads
(thank you speedy Argentinian drivers, thank you for the amazing dust in our eyes, ears and stomachs)

The infamous Ruta 40, km 2166

Paved roads are ...         amazing

Hi, Im Dog, and have no idea what I'm doing, similar to most Argentinian drivers

Amazing broodpudding aka bodding in San Martin de los Andes

And self made pizza! This is where the last blogpost ended.

One of the steepest hills of the trips leaving San Martin


Another flat tire, we've become experts by now

My bycicle, still in one piece, astonishing  considering the state of the road

Last Argentinian lake, Lago Lacar, with nice volcano stones and cold water

Nocturnal cooking these wildcamp spots are the best

Stars from the inside of the (inner) tent

The dishes, a daunting task
Siemens attempts to shoot moving stars failed this time. This picture was exposed 55 minutes and probably overheated the sensor. 

Pto Pirehueico, back in Chile
Another Volcano seen from our not so free wildcamping spot.

30minutes exposure

A real completo

A custom completo, special veggy made for myself

What is this?

A Baobab tree, the tower of babel?

A crazy Lord of the Rings elf palace?

A Hobbiton house?

Or a luxurious Spa Hotel, for you to find out: google Huilo Huilo

Living dead llama (no worries he's alive)

More hills, more volcanoes, more pavement!!!

Boats moving on the waves

South Pole of the Sky. Southern cross and milky way on the left side.

First sight on the Villarica volcano

With ripio, bad ripio

and perfect picnic spots next to a cemetary under 33 degrees

Plan V (pronounced plan B in spanish) next to casa A, best veggyburger ever

D'Olbek, La Biere belg de de Patagonia

Ojos del Caburgua

With our new chilean friends from plan V (who also provided us with a free camping spot, thanks alexandre)

The water was cold, icecold, coming straight out of the earth

Jumping from trees

and waterfalls

Best vegetarian food in South America so far, simple and tasty

Slacklining Elise

Slacklining Jana

Tired after a long day, ready for a new start on the bike without us, good luck ladies!

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